Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Monday, July 20, 2009

First Day in New Orleans

So my second mission trip ever. Yes, its true that as far as my life in church has gone I have had many invitations but few times that my job has allowed me to go. My first was a clown ministry at Myrtle Beach South Carolina. It was a joke. (insert rim shot here) This one is a little different. I have to admit that I thought the idea of coming to a place that was devastated by Hurricane Katrina that the purpose was to help those with fixing their living conditions. You know, fixing floors and walls and such. How shallow of me. I know what your thinking, duh its about the people. Sure it is, I never doubted that. But on the first day I did not expect to be told that finishing the job is not even a priority on the radar, that putting the tools down and building relationships is the main point. That taking what you experience here, back to your local area to do the same for them is in fact what they (the leaders) want your to get out of our trip. That's not typical for most church leaders at any church. Most just want to see results. That was very refreshing. I have to say my attitude was not top notch. I found out that my three year old, that we left at home, is sick. It's hard for me to be away and feel helpless to comfort her. I know that she is taken care of but it's not me. I was focused on just getting through the day and not building relationships. I did manage to talk to the neighbors but it was more out of obligation that love. I hate that. I will try harder tomorrow.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Don't tell me Jesus ain't comming back!

You can think I'm strange, weird or other wise but I just read something that is disturbing on a whole notha level. Yes I broke out into slang to share this puppy. Lets say that you want to know where someone is at all times. Great there are plans for small computer chip that can do that for you. Conveniently installed under the skin for tracking purposes and outpatient care. Old news you say. We've heard this story before for about ten or more years. Well now there is "option B". For a few extra bucks you can get the deluxe package with cyanide. Yes that's right folks. the option to kill your buddy at will. No more fussing with having to go and kill him or her own your own, just press a button and, poof, no more problems. Only one small detail to consider. Can't get a patent. According to Fox News Germany saw some minor details that they thought could be problematic. Can't imagine why Germany would want to step away from this opportunity. Were is the world going you ask. Well read your Bible, and in the immortal words of La var Burton "but don't take my word for it."

Friday, May 15, 2009

The Happy Agnostic?

Someone else now has it all figured out. "The Bibles not meant to be taken literaly" he says. "Christianity is just about knowing who Jesus was" he claims. "There was no resurection" he explains with authority. Who is this progressive thinking teller of truth? None other than Bart Ehrman . He is gaining popularity as someone that realy knows what Jesus is about. He has found followers that find his explinations resonating with what they have not been able to put into words. So what are we poor Christians to do? Are we to become more educated? For some I would say yes. Why only some? Because few of us can make an intellegent argument for what positions we stand on in our faith. Some should not. Those that think that education is the answer to our lack of depth in an exceedingly antichristian world should rethink there proposal. Im not against reason, however doing ten more bible studies isn't going to make anyone ten steps closer to a deeper relationship with their Lord. For them I would say read your Bible for the pure pleasure of spending time with their Father. But Mr. Ehrman wants you to believe that you cant trust the Bible to do that for you cause its all wrong. What started him on his search for truth. By his own admission its because he couldn't grasp "how there could be a God with so much suffering in the world". I wonder how many of us could answer that question. How many of us know our Father well enough to help someone in pain with that kind of question.
My concern is for those that will find a familiar vioce that agrees with how they feel regaurdless of its truthfullness.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Its good to be the King.

Seriously I've missed this in my readings of the Bible over the years. How, I don't know. But there it is in 1Kings 1:1-4. Someone has the bright idea of giving David a virgin to keep him warm.
HELLO! Guys don't try this with your wives under penalty of death.
Was this their first choice? I guessed it seemed logical. "Blankets . . hmm. . nothing. I got it, virgin."
Maybe they thought he was so sick they would get some last brownie points with him. No one even mentioned a dog or cat. No hot water bottle. No fireplace. Nope, get the man a virgin STAT.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

SoulWow it sells itself

This is too funny.
Blogged with the Flock Browser

Monday, January 05, 2009

Christianity Stinks!

So after reading about Noah again for the umpteenth time I came to the conclusion that Christianity really can stink. And not just a little but a lot. (Any one still reading?) I know Im not the first to realize this but it just made me laugh. My over active imagination kicking in again. You see, after reading I thought about Noah in that boat with all those stinking animals for almost a year. That's a lot of poop to put up with. All because Noah was obedient he was responsible for dealing with farty stinky ungrateful animals. Apes even throw poop around like its fun. Sure Noah was still alive and Im sure gratefully so. But come on. A year. God submerged the entire earth in 40 DAYS! Couldn't He have just sucked it all up with a spiritual vacuum. Even six months would have been better that that.
The answer is abvious. He didn't do it for His own reasons. Salvation never makes the world go away. As a matter of fact the more God cleans up from our lives it seems we become more responsible for others around us. Even the ones that throw poop. I have a hard time believing that Noah didn't complain. He was human after all. And we read later that Just because he was righteous doesn't mean that he was perfect. No, he was part of the clean up and then what did he do? Yep, he pooped. (Figuratively in a spiritual kinda way)Where am I going with this? Good question. Number 1: Don't beat yourself up for pooping, Just don't be mad when God makes you help clean up someone else.

Saturday, January 03, 2009

New Years Resolutions for Buffoons

So this year has started off at full speed. Well at least its moving the hard part is steering it the way I want to go. Between work, family, church and my own goals hows a guy to cope. I didn't even get a chance to ring in the new year with my wife due to being so beat from work and having to get up super early for work the next day. To be honest it probably worked out better. You know how you can tell your getting irritable cause your so tired? Oh don't even act like you've never felt like that. Although Im sure there are some that are WAY more spiritual than I am and can't imagine what I'm talking about. But for those of us that do. I was afraid I was getting close to the point that I could turn green and have ripped purple pants, "you wont like me when Im cranky." (Stand by for bunny trail, I found one) What if we did that as Christians when we got super spiritual. (and by super spiritual I really mean condemning with no real concern for the persons spiritual condition) I think less people would be so quick to speak. Especially in church. You would see them start to change and their eyes going green, "Christian Smash Dignity Arrrrrrrgggghhhh"
So I got up the next day, went to work and remembered to read my Bible verses for the day, but later do the the work load I had. Then I forgot. Then I remembered again as I was going to bed after being woken up to deal with another problem from that day. Then I decided to double up the next day. (Uh oh, how can the guy who is getting every one to do a daily bible reading? Hypocrite Alert. (Hangs head in shame) Yes I failed. Why bother sharing this. Because I wont allow you to beat yourself up and believe the lie that you are alone. By the way, if you have read yours on each day and even have a planned time and keep it diligently every day then skip the next few lines, there not for you, and I hate you. Kidding, sort of.
No you are not a failure, your human. This was not a test its just another day to pick yourself up and start again. We can do this and we will. Do you have an accountability partner? If not get one soon. Its way easier to realize you are just as lazy as someone else when you have someone to share it with. So get back in the Bible reading game and dont give up.

Happy New Year.

And if your wondering if I ever caught up. Yes. This morning. HA-HA.