So after reading about Noah again for the umpteenth time I came to the conclusion that Christianity really can stink. And not just a little but a lot. (Any one still reading?) I know Im not the first to realize this but it just made me laugh. My over active imagination kicking in again. You see, after reading I thought about Noah in that boat with all those stinking animals for almost a year. That's a lot of poop to put up with. All because Noah was obedient he was responsible for dealing with farty stinky ungrateful animals. Apes even throw poop around like its fun. Sure Noah was still alive and Im sure gratefully so. But come on. A year. God submerged the entire earth in 40 DAYS! Couldn't He have just sucked it all up with a spiritual vacuum. Even six months would have been better that that.
The answer is abvious. He didn't do it for His own reasons. Salvation never makes the world go away. As a matter of fact the more God cleans up from our lives it seems we become more responsible for others around us. Even the ones that throw poop. I have a hard time believing that Noah didn't complain. He was human after all. And we read later that Just because he was righteous doesn't mean that he was perfect. No, he was part of the clean up and then what did he do? Yep, he pooped. (Figuratively in a spiritual kinda way)Where am I going with this? Good question. Number 1: Don't beat yourself up for pooping, Just don't be mad when God makes you help clean up someone else.
The Position of Christ
You can check out the service here. Last week we learned of Paul’s great
love for this church. He was thankful for them and prayed for them.
Specifically, ...
5 days ago
why is a grown man using kid-friendly versions of cuss words
Because some people find profanity useless.
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